MCS October 24th, 2022 Board Meeting Live Stream
Live stream begins at 6:00pm.
Link to live stream:

Macon County Schools is excited to partner with 828 Vets and Toys for Tots! Please click the link below for important information. You may also contact Jack Brennan at jb@828vets.com or by calling 404-275-9575

Below you will find a link to the video “A Walk Through FHS” that was shown at the Macon County Board of Education/Macon County Board of County Commissioners Joint Meeting earlier this week.
"A Walk Through FHS"

The Macon County Board of Education will hold a joint meeting with the Macon County Board of Commissioners on Tuesday, October 18, 2022 at 6:00 p.m., in the Fine Arts Center on the campus of Franklin High School.
During this joint session, LS3P architecture will present the proposed schematic design for Franklin High School. The Board of Education may also conduct other business as needed.
The public is encouraged to attend.

For Immediate Release:
Statement by Macon County Schools Superintendent Dr. Chris Baldwin &
MCSO Sheriff Robert Holland
October 12, 2022
This week Macon County School officials and School Resource Officers dealt with a situation that originated on a school bus where two students were making inappropriate statements that other students could hear. These statements were considered to be threatening in manner. This was reported and dealt with immediately which included parental involvement. We are satisfied that everything was handled appropriately and all student resources were utilized in addressing this incident.
We would encourage families to take this opportunity to remind your students that “words do matter” and any statements regarding actions that potentially could harm others will be dealt with swiftly. In this situation the threat of bringing a gun to school was made. We feel these students were not serious and had no intention of carrying out the threat but as these students quickly learned that any such statements will not be tolerated in any of our schools.

We are loving our new app! Access documents, news updates, and even emergency notifications, right from your pocket.
Download for Android https://bit.ly/3CyB4tu
Download for iPhone https://apple.co/3TkKZsc

IDEA requires a comprehensive Child Find System to locate children in our area, starting at age 3, with disabilities. As part of our initiative, we are hosting a developmental screening at the Macon County Community Facilities Building.

Special Called Meeting Notice-Joint Meeting
The Macon County Board of Education will hold a joint meeting with the Macon County Board of Commissioners on Tuesday, October 18, 2022 at 6:00 p.m., in the Fine Arts Center on the campus of Franklin High School.
During this joint session, LS3P architecture will present the proposed schematic design for Franklin High School. The Board of Education may also conduct other business as needed.
The public is encouraged to attend.

Tamme Youmans, Physical Therapist for Macon County Schools, has been selected as a recipient of the Stephen E. Sallee Award of Excellence. Tamme is one of only 60 to receive this recognition since 1995. The award recognizes individuals or organizations that have made a significant impact on the lives of people with disabilities by expanding access to, promoting, and/or demonstrating the benefits of assistive technology. Congratulations Tamme!

For Immediate Release:
Today at 10:30 am, the Macon County School System (Highlands School) had a county-wide Lock Down exercise. This was only a drill and an opportunity for school faculty and students to work on what to do during an actual Lock Down. Announcements were made throughout this event that it was only a drill. This exercise lasted five minutes or less and was a coordinated effort between school officials, law enforcement and other local agencies.

For Immediate Release:
Today at 9:35 am, the Macon County School System (Franklin area & Nantahala) as well as Southwestern Community College, Trimont Christian Academy, and the Macon County Public Library had a county-wide Lock Down exercise. This was only a drill and an opportunity for school faculty and students to work on what to do during an actual Lock Down. Announcements were made throughout this event that it was only a drill. This exercise lasted five minutes or less and was a coordinated effort between school officials, law enforcement and other local agencies.

The Macon County Board of Education will hold a joint meeting with the Macon County Board of Commissioners on Tuesday, October 18, 2022 at 6:00 p.m., in the cafeteria on the campus of Franklin High School.
During this joint session, LS3P architecture will present the proposed schematic design for Franklin High School. The Board of Education may also conduct other business as needed.
The public is encouraged to attend.

Our regular scheduled meeting of the Macon County Board of Education will be held on Monday, October 24, 2022 beginning at 6:00 pm in the Board Room of the Macon County Schools Administrative Offices. The meeting will be live-streamed and can be accessed by visiting www.macon.k12.nc.us

We're thrilled to announce the new app for Macon County Schools! It's everything Macon County Schools, in your pocket.
Download for Android https://bit.ly/3CyB4tu
Download for iPhone https://apple.co/3TkKZso

September 26th, 2022 Board Meeting Live Stream
Live Stream will begin at 6:00pm.
Link to Live Stream

Happy Labor Day!
Reminder, Macon County Schools will be closed on Monday, September 5, 2022 in observance of the Labor Day Holiday. Students and staff will return on Tuesday, September 6, 2022. Enjoy your weekend!

Bus Drivers Needed!

Franklin High School Traffic Advisory
Beginning Monday 08/29/2022
MORNING student drop-off will be as usual.
AFTERNOON student pick-up is as follows:
- School buses will exit from Panther Drive onto Porter Street. No entry at this intersection.
- Parents & guardians picking up students will enter McCollum Drive from Porter Street.
Please use caution, be patient, and avoid this area during these times if possible.

We are pleased to announce the 2022-2023 Teacher of the Year, Principal of the Year and Support Person of the Year. Congratulations to the following:
Teacher of the Year- Ms. Mariah Rascati, 3rd Grade Teacher, Iotla Valley Elementary School
Principal of the Year- Ms. Michelle Bell, Principal, Iotla Valley Elementary School
Support Person of the Year- Mr. Blair King, Assistant Principal, Franklin High School
You each do a fabulous job representing Macon County Schools!
We wish you all the best as you begin the 2022-2023 school year.